Xouh – Eeeh MP3 Download (Audio & Lyrics)

Eeeh by Xouh MP3 Download Audio & Lyrics: Wewe Ushanipa sana ila sichoki Ndo nikujuze Kama sio we mapenzi sitaki Mi na we Tunashare mwili roho na nafsi

Eeeh by Xouh MP3 Download Audio & Lyrics

It’s FriYAY, and here is your fave: Xouh Eeeh MP3 Download Audio and Lyrics. It’s a great new song to add to your playlist right now.

The hyped new song, Eeeh by Xouh MP3 Download, is a tight piece of music well-hammered to grip fans under no time. Lyrics are so mesmerizing, finely tatted up with magnetizing vocals.

You will also feel much more grateful for the song’s conception because of all the cunning that went into it. Therefore, in providing fans with a unique feeling, “Xouh Eeeh MP3 Download” has been hyped with us.


Ushanipa sana ila sichoki
Ndo nikujuze
Kama sio we mapenzi sitaki
Mi na we
Tunashare mwili roho na nafsi
Kawatangazie Kuachana tena basi

Mambo ya kuzimiana taa
Mchumba ushanipata
Kwani nakataa
We ndo umenizima data
Oooh tunawaumiza roho

Mi sio mzuri sana kihivyo
Cha ajabu kuna watu mawapa shida
Twachekeana usoni
Moyoni tunaishi kinafki ila barida
Wanatamani nikose
Kulala njaa iwe kawaida
Na waha hata siogopi mikosi
Maana kuna Mungu ananilinda

Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh

Unannipa mapochopocho
Sitaki michepuko
Penzi lako kiboko
Nyonga msokoto tuamshe popo
Unanipa mapochopocho

Sitaki michepuko
Penzi lako kiboko
Nyonga msokoto tuamshe popo
Nakupenda (Eeeeh)
Wanipenda (Eeeeh)
Tunapenda leo zaidi ya jana (Eeee)

Mi sio mzuri sana kivile
Cha ajabu kuna watu mawapa shida
Twachekeana usoni
Moyoni tunaishi kinafki ila barida
Wanatamani nikose
Kulala njaa iwe kawaida
Na waha hata siogopi mikosi
Maana kuna Mungu ananilinda

Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh
Eeeeh Eeeeh

Xouh Eeeh MP3 Download

Finally, to unveil the Audio Free, the well-kempt music artist has pooled efforts with ours to provide fans with a great compelling feel. Listen and Download Eeeh by Xouh MP3 Audio Below:


Converter ➤ YOUTUBE TO MP3

Also See: Xouh – Moto MP3 Download